No, this is not going to be a story about a happy couple and their happy ending... It is about my two adorable Rottweiler 'pups' and their love for one another...
So let me first start by introducing you to our 2 other family members, brother and sister - Zoe and Zeus. These are not your usual Rottweilers, they are pretty loving and caring (well with us and the people we know), I wouldn't send a stranger into our yard, because they can be vicious at times... (which is good) ;) Zoe and Zeus can fight about the stupidest things, just like any brother and sister I'm sure... Mostly about territory though and when they start their fight, you don't want to be in the middle. After a few minutes they come right and all seems to be forgiven :)
We often have to take them to the Vet for their annual check-ups, but ever so often, one of them decide to have some growth in their gum, or unusual mark on their body, and one of them need to go to the Vet without the other... Zeus has always been the 'ill' one, and when we leave Zoe at home and load Zeus in the bakkie, Zoe goes ballistic. We have learnt to lock her up in the backyard so that she cannot see her brother leaving, but she still knows. It's so sad really and I've cried numerous times, because it just shows how much she really loves her brother and cares about him... She cries and cries and doesn't want anything (not even a biscuit) except her brother. Eventually she calms down and once he returns, they play and hop around like two young pups, it's very sweet.
Anyway, a few weeks ago, we noticed that Zoe has not been wanting to eat. Almost like she didn't like the food. So, we changed their pellets, but she still had no interest. We then thought she had a sore in her mouth so decided to feed them softer food, such as rice, pasta and even just gravy for over their pellets. She seemed to eat a bit better. Still, she hadn't seemed to be interested in the dry pellets, so we decided a visit to the vet was the only way to find out exactly what was going on... On this day, we had to take Zoe and leave Zeus at home for the very first time... Zeus is normally the calm, chilled one, whereas Zoe is the hyperactive, energizer bunny. Once we loaded Zoe into the bakkie, she was calm, but all of a sudden, Zeus leaped to the front, and as the gate was opening, ran out and into the street, going completely crazy! We had to lock him in the back, and then thought everything to be fine... Zoe was going in for a cat scan, so was going to be under sedation for a couple of hours. On return to the house, we went to the back to let Zeus out. But unfortunately, he had managed to get himself stuck between the braai wall and the garage wall (approximately 20cm wide, if that) with the half of his body stuck between the wall. He couldn't move and we could see he was in pain... Yet, he was going ballistic. We called the Vet and on arrival, she gave him an anaesthetic injection to calm him down and try and get him out. He was still hysterical. She gave him another shot and eventually after it didn't help either, she phoned the other vet working on Zoe, and he arrived with another injection. Eventually Zeus calmed down and the vets had to work carefully, dislocating his legs and head to wangle him out of the gap...
My babies :)
Once Zoe returned, Zeus was very tired from all the anaesthetic... They lay next to each other, both with sad faces... It had been a hectic day for the both of them. We are still waiting for Zoe's test results, but for now she has two shaved patches on her head.
It just goes to show that even though they may want to kill each other at times, they truly love and care for one another. Zeus just wanted to be by his sister and now she was home, laying by him, as they fell asleep...