Friday, October 21, 2011

*~Only bad things happen quickly~*

It's so scary how quickly car accidents happen, without any warning... When I first started driving, my mom would constantly warn me to be aware of everything around me and how when you drive, you are driving for the other person as well... You have to constantly focus and once you lose concentration, even if it is for a split second, anything can happen. You need to think about the person driving in front, behind, next to you as well as looking far ahead to cars and people away from you. It's quite amazing that we don't see more accidents happening. Sure, accidents happen every day, but in relation to the huge population, it's not that much. In a split second of losing concentration, you may wonder off the side of the road, drive into the back of some one else, or even hit something and flip the car. Accidents are scary things and they often cause extreme injury or death. They are definitely regarded as really bad things and certainly happen very quickly.

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