Sunday, April 3, 2011

Girls' Night Out (@ Nu Metro)

Last week my sis decided to book a movie (No Strings Attached) - for her and I to go see. Coincidental it was booked for a Thursday night and this was the "Girls' Night Out" promo for the month which takes place monthly at certain Nu Metro cinemas. This means: NO guys allowed!

All we knew was that there were freebies and lucky draws, but didn't realise how much fun the evening would actually be. It all started by us entering the cinema door and receiving freebies such as Maltesers, Davidoff Cool Water perfume samples and lastly a sachet sponsored by Assegai. We also had to complete a form with our names, for the fishbowl for the lucky draw.

Before the movie started, the MC for the evening (a male - can you imagine how intimidating that must be), walked down the cinema stairs, creating a hype in the cinema among all the girls. I must say, women empowerment was really strong here ;)

He had 5 ladies join him on the stairs where they had to take part in a challenge in order to win double tickets to go see any movie of their choice. (Let's just say the challenge was to be kept inside the cinema and involved the Assegai sponsor.)

After the challenge, the lucky draw took place where prizes such as CDs, DVDs, and movie tickets were up for grabs. This may not sound like so much fun, but you actually had to be there to experience the vibe and the comedian element which the MC brought in. He was so funny and had us all laughing non-stop.

It was then time for the movie and what an amazing movie it was. 'No Strings Attached' has to be my all-time favourite romantic-comedy at the moment. It had us laughing and smiling, with only a few tears throughout the movie. A real 'feel-good' movie and perfect for a girls' night out :)

Nu Metro cinemas has definitely created a promotion which I think is a great success. So if you're feeling like some girly time and need to escape the male specimen for a couple of hours, be sure to book your ticket for the next "Girls' Night Out" taking place on the 14th of April 2011 where you can enjoy the release of "Water for Elephants" with Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson. My ticket will be booked :)