Sunday, April 3, 2011

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

So I've just dozed off and the next thing I feel is a sudden shock and I fall from the top of a 100-foot pole! No matter what the surface is that you are stepping or jumping off, it happens to us all. However, we always wake up just before we hit the surface you're about to hit...

This phenomenon has been documented by a variety of researchers, however still not sure as to why it happens. Most of them agree that it is a natural part of the sleeping process. The general agreement among researchers is that it happens when your muscles go into a restful state as you are in the process of falling asleep, your brain then senses the relaxation signals and misinterprets them (which leaves you thinking you are falling down). The brain then sends the signals to the muscles in the arms and legs in an attempt to jerk you back upright. The misinterpretation that takes place in your brain may also be responsible for the "falling" dreams which accompany the falling sensation. These 'dreams' aren't normal dreams and are more like a daydream or hallucination in a response to the body's sensations (That Strange feeling, 2008).

Apparently, Falling dreams often reflect a sense of failure or inferiority in some situation. It may be the fear of failing in your job, failing in school, loss of status, or failure in love. You feel shameful and a lost sense of self-esteem. (Dream moods, 2011). There are so many different theories and opinions as to what these dreams mean, but it has not yet been proven.

They say that you will never hit the surface while falling, as you will always wake up in a fright before you do. They also say that if you don't wake up and you hit the surface, you die. Apparently, it is only a myth and I don't know if there is a possibility that there is truth in it. However, there are so many possible chances of everything in life, and if it has happened to some one, we would never know, as they would not have lived to tell the tale... scary!

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