Monday, April 18, 2011

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself...

Personally, I would have to agree with this statement. However, it is not always as easy to be 100% honest with ourselves, 100% of the time...

I wouldn't call it direct lying, but more like comforting ourselves. This comforting only takes place with not so significant things. A typical example which I'm sure all girls can relate to would include: me craving a chocolate and after much resistance, I give in to the many temptations which surround me... Once the craving is satisfied, I tend to tell myself: "that chocolate won't do anything, I'll just gym extra hard tonight". However, I know that it is not always the case, and the more we "lie" to ourselves about the smallest things, the faster they catch up to us. This counts for all things we lie to ourselves about, not only the chocolate which will cause us to gain weight...

As we grow older, we learn which things are okay to lie to ourselves about and which aren't. I learn which things aren't okay every day, that's what makes it the interesting part of growing up... :)

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