Monday, April 4, 2011

This is me*

Earlier this year I had to write a blog with the title "I am". Even though it has only been around 9 weeks since the start of my blogging adventures, I still feel the same as I did at the beginning, with a few exceptions... Here goes...

I recently came across a quote which I very much agree with: "Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be" ~ Robert Brault. Even though I have a good idea as to who I am, we are all continuously developing ourselves into the people we want to become.

No matter what life throws at me, I believe in building a bridge, and getting over it (Excuse the cliche). Life is way too short to worry about petty things and I therefore like sorting issues out as soon as possible. I consider myself an honest, reliable person with good morals which I try my best to live by. I am a loyal friend and good listener. I cry easily - I am very much in touch with my emotions (as is my mom and sis), and believe it makes me the passionate, caring person I am. If I had to choose a colour that would best describe me, I would have to say it would be... Grey - not in the sense of being dull, but because there is no such thing as black and white with me - I tend to over complicate things and struggle to make decisions. I over-think everything, but it helps me make good decisions in the long run. While on the topic, grey is my favourite colour. It gives me a sense of calmness and if you opened my cupboard you would find piles of grey items and very few bright colours. The bright colours would come in the form of flowers (for my hair), I am obsessed with all kinds :)

I love animals, my family, friends and boyfriend. I don't believe my life would be possible without them and they have helped create the person I am today. I have a passion for food (whether it be cooking or eating, I am obsessed). I love fashion and shopping and hope that my career one day will entitle me to an unlimited wardrobe allowance :) I love the outdoors - even though I do not spend as much time outside as I would like, I admire all the beauty God has created. I love exercising as well as dancing, but prefer to do it at home or amongst a large group of my friends. I'm not too keen on being the centre of attention ;) I love movies and believe that no movie is complete without popcorn and a machine coke (large, hehe).

I hate negativity and despise fakeness and dishonesty. I can never understand why you would want to portray some one you're not and lie about things that will only catch up to you sometime or another. My biggest fear is disappointing the people around me who I care dearly about, which is why I try my best to do everything in life to my fullest potential.

I believe that love is the most precious thing in life and that it should never be taken for granted, which is why you should always let the people you love in your life know that you do (love them). That is why I never let one phone, sms or face-to-face conversation go by without saying: 'I love you'. Some people may find it strange, but I would never want the people I love, not knowing how much I love them.

I have not yet discovered everything about myself in life, but this is what I know for now... I also know who I want to be (those are the pieces still missing) and I look forward to the journey I am embrace daily to become the person I want to be in the end...



  1. It was nice learning more about you X

  2. Amy this was lovely to read, well done. One thing I could suggest is that you add a bit of facebook and twitter functionality to your blog, it will make it a lot easier for your readers to share your posts on social media platforms.

  3. Very good read. I learn a little bit more about someone everyday. Thanks for sharing.

  4. We've been studying together for quite awhile now, and after reading this I have learnt quite a bit about you. Pleased to meet you again Amy. :)

  5. Awesome Amy, loved reading about you :)
