Thursday, April 7, 2011


So my sis and I have been attending a class at gym for a couple of weeks now. It's a hectic workout, but so much fun...Well, we tend to think so. There is however one small problem which I find myself still struggling to overcome. A stampede by the rudest women out there...

The class takes place every Tuesday and Thursday at either 17h30 or 18h30. Depending on the time, we always arrive at least 20 minutes early to ensure we get a spot (It's a really popular class). Anyway, all the women tend to hover over the door and you even get the really weird and rude ones that push in front of you. My sis and I just laugh it off, but it's actually very sad. If it's not enough that they push in front of us (just to be 2mm closer to the door), the minute the class before ours ends and the door opens, they all stampede into the room. The poor women from the previous class do not even have a chance at exiting the room. So that's when I changed the 'pattern' and as we approached the door, I stood back, and allowed the woman (who was waiting so patiently), to exit. I couldn't help but wonder, what have the stampede women proven? Well I don't think I'll ever know, but its still a little irritation of mine.

Then, the poor instructor (a male and very much full of life), tries real hard to make the class fun by throwing out a couple of comments every now and then... He uses phrases like: "Use those Lady Gaga Arms ladies", or "let's get rid of all those unwanted visitors, especially with Easter coming up". My sis and I can't help but smile and giggle, 'cause the poor guy is just trying to make the class smile. Unfortunately we seem to be the only two that find him amusing. The other ladies are such sour cats and it's as if it's their mission to be miserable. But, that won't stop us from attending the class. We still look forward to every Tuesday and Thursday. :) So, if you're in the mood for some hard work with good music and an amusing instructor, be sure to check out the Body Conditioning class at Wembley, Virgin Active... Hopefully you'll be a happy chappy and not a sour cat ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thats hectic. . .I'm thinking shouldn't those ladies be at home making dinner? And why is there a need for being rude, it's really not necessary. I honetly feel sorry for that instructor, shame
