Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the road...

I absolutely love baking! One of my favourite reality series which can be found on the Discovery channel is called Cake Boss. It's about an Italian baker (Buddy) who owns a bakery - Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey. The bakery has been in his family for years and years and was passed down to him by his father. You have never seen cakes quite as amazing as these. Think way bigger and better than Charlie's Bakery. They create cakes which look like real objects, but each part of the cake is edible. Every episode consists of two clients whom require cakes for some or other occasion. There is no limit to the size of the cake, except for the fact that it needs to be able to fit through the exit door of the bakery. A lot of these cakes are extremely fragile and I often find myself closing one eye in the fear that the cake may fall or break in the middle of the road while transporting it to the delivery van.

                                  Buddy - the owner of Carlo's bakery

I have, however, never seen them drop a cake, but on their way to a delivery, a piece of a cake has fallen in or crumbled inside of the delivery van. Luckily, they are always prepared for any accidents.

                      An entire car made from cake, amazing!

One of my dreams is to go to Hoboken and visit Carlo's bakery. I would love to be able to work there and learn the art of cakes. Carlo's bakery truly has mastered the art of the perfect cake, no matter what shape, size or style! 
Yes, this is in fact a cake.

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